

Αρχαία ελληνική ὄψις < ὤψ, το πρόσωπο ενός ανθρώπου


The beautiful Ampeliona of Arcadia, hosts OΨIS, a Facial Yoga Retreat.
This experiential workshop aims at the holistic regeneration of the face through the art of yoga and acupuncture.

The purpose is to activate the muscles and the meridians of the face at all levels in order to achieve the natural reconstruction and the improvement of the face and the skin in depth. Eliminating tensions and improving the flow of energy in the upper centers of the neck, forehead and top of the head will work transformative and rejuvenating. Needles, reiki and yoga can be combined and pave the way for an inner exploration of ourselves, thus harmonizing mind and body.

Come experience deep relaxation and allow yourself to release stress on all levels. It will cover all areas of the face and is suitable for women and men of all ages. Acupuncture is not mandatory, and you can receive healing crystals instead! At the same time, we will tour the Mythical Arcadia, meditate in nature, and have the opportunity to relax

Greece face yoga, face treatment, acupuncture ,meridians,Facial_Massage (5)
Greece face yoga, face treatment, acupuncture ,meridians (3)


Aesthetic acupuncture
Face Yoga
Hatha & Raja Yoga
Sound therapy
Crystal therapy
Meridians treatment
Greece face yoga, face treatment, acupuncture ,meridians,Facial_Massage
Greece face yoga, face treatment, acupuncture ,meridians,Facial_Massage (2)


Ampeliona is the homeland of Hermes and Pan, while it is mentioned in the Iliad and in the writings of Herodotus. Built on the imaginary crossroads of three prefectures, Arcadia, Ilia and Messinia, it is a traditional mountain village surrounded by chestnut forests and countless natural springs.

Cobbled streets and old stone houses, hide images, sounds and aromas from another era, which is revealed shortly before the fresh, mountain air blows away.


Our stay at Abeliona Retreat will be a unique experience. Harmonized with the surrounding landscape, the accommodation is built on a green mountain slope, like a natural extension of the mountain that hosts it. A beautiful formation of low-rise stone buildings, indicative of a space where man and nature coexist in harmony.

yoga retreat, yoga greece, Arcadia, Abeliona, experiences Peloponnese, hiking, trail, meditation Greece, road trip Greece (8)
Greece face yoga, face treatment, acupuncture ,meridians, Facial_Massage


08.00 p.m. - 10:00 a.m.: yoga & meditation
10:00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.: breakfast & preparation
12:00 p.m. - 05.00 p.m.: tour & outdoor sessions
5:30 p.m. - 06.30 p.m. : meal
08.30pm - 10:00 p.m. : yoga & deep relaxation
Greece face yoga, face treatment, acupuncture ,meridians,Facial_Massage (4)
Facial_Massage,Greece face yoga, face treatment, acupuncture ,meridians


-Treatments and yoga classes

-The transfer from Athens to Ampeliona and the return

-Accommodation at the hotel or hostel Abeliona Retreat

-Diet (breakfast and meals)

Greece face yoga, face treatment, acupuncture ,meridians ,Facial_Massage

Contact us for the retreat

Fill out the form below to plan the retreat, for you and your friends or team,
for the dates and duration, you want!

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